EUROASTRO 2024, organized by the ALPHA-LYRAE association, took place this weekend, from May 17 to 20, 2024.

This was an opportunity for visitors to exchange ideas and share their passions with amateur astronomers, and to observe the sun during the day and the stars at night over the 3 days of the event.

In a country atmosphere, it was also an opportunity to attend educational sessions around a planetarium, an exhibition of some of my models and to take part in educational workshops.

I’d especially like to thank Frank, from the ALPHA LYRAE association, for inviting me,

and Dominique Martin, Mado86 Astrophographie, for sharing some of the sun observations below:

just a solar filter in front of my Newton 200/800 which shows us the current sunspots and the advantage is that we can see the whole disk of our star!

in the process of capturing the H-alpha radiation, these are the details of the chromosphere, and by going through the effect with Lightroom, in black and white, we can make out the gas flows on the sun’s surface.
Except this slight filter, there’s no trickery to the image.

One Comment

  1. MADO86 May 21, 2024 at 7:27 am - Reply

    Merci pour ces publications et bravo pour tes explications sur site aussi de tes réalisations spatiales ! Tu ne fais pas “que” du montage, tu les connais par cœur et en détail toutes ses machines….Un travail de recherches et de précision !
    Pour les photos astro du Soleil, cela permet un aperçu de plus près de notre étoile, le Soleil !
    Pour ma part, c’est le fruit d’une collaboration entre 3 astro amateurs sur site qui m’a permis de faire ces images, d’où l’intérêt des rencontres astronomique EuroAstro de Liré ou d’autres….
    Dans ce regroupement, il doit y avoir encore de plus belles images et pour les (re)découvrir en “Live”, faudra revenir l’année prochaine ! Rendez vous pris !

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